About Us

About society

We were established as the first association concerned with high blood pressure in the Kingdom in 2004 by the efforts of volunteers from various branches of health workers under the supervision of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and an elected board of directors. We are keen to strengthen relations with everyone interested in our mission, in the establishment of workshops, seminars and courses/lectures, Research and Public awareness and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.


The society consists of a number of volunteers from various health specialties, who are distributed over a number of universities, private clinics, the Ministry of Health, Media, and referral hospitals.

The society has established centers in Riyadh, Al-Sharqiyah, Jeddah, and Al-Madina.

Saudi Hypertension Management Society

The hard work done by SHMS members since 2001 resulted in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties recognized in 2008 and the International Society for Hypertension in 2009.

How did SHMS start

  • Between 2001/2, the association prepared a modest plan to write (The Saudi Guidelines for High Blood Pressure)
  • By 2018, this blog has been updated four times

SHMS heard the development of a number of plans and programs that help in the scientific application of the Saudi evidence for high blood pressure, and the guidelines were updated and updated in 2018 and we are about to complete the new advanced version this year.

how do we work

We communicate with members of the association via the Internet, and we mainly use it to spread our activities.
• From time to time, we develop the Saudi evidence for high blood pressure, using the latest and most important studies, and are based on the latest global evidence.
• These signs contain a section on high blood pressure during the month of Ramadan and the Hajj period, based on research conducted by a team of specialists from various medical fields.
• We conduct workshops and training sessions for doctors and nurses. We were able to prepare some plans to implement the Saudi guidelines for high blood pressure, which are commensurate with the Saudi society.

Objectives and action plan

Reducing the spread of blood pressure disease that affects 15% of citizens in the Kingdom and reducing this percentage to 11% within the next ten years.

work plan

Conducting 9 programs (training of trainers)
Organizes courses (merit in measuring blood pressure)

  • Organizing courses and workshops in different cities in the Kingdom.
  • Supporting a program on mobile phones to enable specialists in primary clinics to treat patients in accordance with Saudi guidelines.
  • The issuance of the upgraded version of the fourth edition of the Saudi guidelines for blood pressure care
  • A renewal of the society website, in line with developments
  • Conducting lectures, seminars and workshops through electronic platforms
  • Disseminating awareness messages to the public through electronic platforms
  • Twitter – Instagram – Journalism – the Web
  • Publication of the press magazine


Early detection is the most important step in the care of high blood pressure, we put our efforts with everyone who seeks to improve the lifestyle and physical activity of young people and our population.

the Message

We are interested in disseminating documented knowledge according to the latest research on all aspects of early detection, treatment and prevention of high blood pressure in our society.

SHMS Founding Members

Prof. Osman Alfurayh

‎أ. د. عثمان الفريح

Dr. Aljawhara Alquaiz

د. الجوهرة القويز

Prof. Saleh Bawazir

أ. د. صالح با وزير

Prof. Samir Huraib

‎أ. د. سمير حريب

Prof. Sulaiman A Al-Shammari

‎أ. د. سليمان عبدالله الشمري

His excellency prof. Mansour Alnazha

‎معالي أستاذ الدكتور. منصور النزهه

Prof. Ali Alzahrani

أ. د. علي الزهراني

Prof. Walid Bsata

أ. د. وليد بساطه

Dr. Saleh Ali Al Shurafa

‎د. صالح علي الشرفا

Prof. Yousif Asiri

أ. د. يوسف عسيري

Dr. Abdulhamid Dawoud Kashgari

‎د. عبدالحميد داود قشقري

Dr. AbdulHameed Hassan

‎د. عبدالحميد حسن

Dr. Habib Basil

‎د. حبيب باسيل

Dr. Ibrahim Hamasna

د. إبراهيم حماصنة

Dr. Mahmoud Moawadh

د. محمود معوض

Dr. Abdulla Al Ruwais

‎د. عبد الله الرويس

Dr. Naser Al Hamdan

‎د. ناصر الحمدان

The Current Board Members

Dr. Saleh Al shurafa


د. صالح على الشرفا

رئيس مجلس الادارة

Dr. Tawfik AlBassam

Vice President

د. توفيق خالد البسام

نائب رئيس مجلس الادارة

Dr. Hassan Ali Bader Aleid


د. حسن علي بدر العيد

أمين المال

Dr. Nawal Ahmed Basri

Secretary General

د. نوال احمد بصري

الأمين العام

Prof. Sulaiman A Al-Shammari

Board Member

اد. سليمان عبدالله الشمري


Dr. Bader Ali Almustafa

Board Member

د. بدر على المصطفى


Dr.Abdulhamid Dawoud Kashgari

Board Member

د. عبد الحميد داود قشقري


Dr. Hussam Jnaid

Board Member

د. حسام جنيد


Dr. AbdulHameed Hassan

Board Member

د. عبدالحميد حسن


Dr. Khadija Abdulrahman Basheikh

Board Member

د. خديجه عبد الرحمن باشيخ


Dr. Ghaleb Abdulmohsen Alfaraj

Board Member

د. غالب عبدالمحسن الفرج
